Happy New Year and welcome to Glentaffe Capital.
We are now ready to help busy CEOs get the detail done. We are up and running with website and the team is on hand to complete marketing strategies, get deals executed, restructure businesses and put financing in place. Corporate finance and consulting work will be handled by Glentaffe directly through Andrew, Stephen and Michael. Procurement and cost management will be run in conjunction with our business partners, Auditel a 90 or so strong UK franchise of industry experts and top suppliers.

Target markets

The target markets for Glentaffe will be mid market private equity firms, wine and spirits, renewable energy and power generation businesses. We will work with these either directly or in conjunction with our extensive associate network. With Auditel we will address largely multi site professional services, membership organisations, charities and retailers. In the case of professional services the aim will be work initially with large and mid size accounting firms working with them directly and also with their support their client base. Both the Glentaffe and Auditel initiatives will be enacted via personal contacts and telesales.

Blockchain and Tea

Building on experience with Oxford Said and early steps in capital raising for art, wine and real estate business there will be a specific initiative in the spirit of Glentaffe tea estate heritage in Ceylon to improve the earnings of tea estate workers through the use of blockchain technology. We will build a both an estate tea and a blockchain brand. Watch this space.

Getting it done

Glentaffe is already completing work: – Capital raising support and financial modelling has enabled investors to become positively engaged with the launch of a drug addiction treatment centre in Marrakesh – Due diligence is ongoing on a electrical maintenance  business and heads of terms are being prepared on a second acquisition in the security sector. Both are leveraged buy outs being via vendor finance and debt finance – Positive investor dialogues have been enabled for an art blockchain initiative in Italy and a whiskey distillery in Ireland, a movie production fund in Spain, an AI business in the UK, an oil sludge recycling project in Russia

Expect much more when we are fully engaged in 2020


Best Andrew